My good sir, you are a Genious
I don't write reviews very often, but when I do, I have a good reason for it. This was one of the most creative and most thought out pieces of art, and I mean art that I have ever encountered here on Newgrounds. I watched all four parts, from beginning to end, I see the story grow over time as your knowledge of the art of flash animation grows. The ending was immensely overbearing as far as the story goes. This movie just proves, yo don't need a multi-million dollar budget to create a masterpiece, nor do you need fancy CGI graphics. Sometimes, the simplest of a storyline can end up making, or breaking the definitive market that it was destined for. So, hear my story told as it were. It would be a crime to humanity for you NOT to make another story, or to not continue this one. For even if the world at large may know nothing about your works, but to us citizens of Newgrounds, you are a Shakespeare in your own right.
-Flashash220 (Primis)